Exhibits – viewing, copying, transferring

Per Rule of Court 8.320(e), exhibits are already part of the record on appeal, however, you need to make additional efforts to view them.  Transcripts of an audio or video played for the jury, are part of the normal record on appeal and, if missing, can be obtained with a Rule 8.340 letter citing Rule 8.320(b)(11).

Documentary exhibits must be made part of the Clerk’s Transcript

Documentary exhibits must be made part of the Clerk’s Transcript pursuant to Second Appellate District Local Rule 1, subdivision (a)(7), as follows:

“The Clerk’s Transcript shall include all documentary exhibits admitted in evidence, refused, or lodged in the case in the superior court, including copies of any demonstrative exhibits that were shown to the trier of fact if those copies were lodged in the superior court. The demonstrative exhibits to be included in the clerk’s transcript shall include copies of computer slide presentations (such as PowerPoint presentations) that were shown to the trier of fact, whether or not the presentations were marked as exhibits if copies were lodged in the superior court. Each admitted exhibit shall be clearly identified and sequentially numbered.”

Also, if you refer to an exhibit that you want the Court of Appeal to view when considering your brief, pursuant to Rule 8.224(a), you need to write a letter and have the exhibits transferred within 10 days of the Respondent’s Brief being filed.

Viewing or Copying Exhibits Generally:

If you are not local, email Sylvia (sylvia@lacap.com) for assistance obtaining your requested exhibit(s).

If you are local, you can view exhibits in person at the courthouse where they are held. You should call the exhibit room for an appointment and take your Court of Appeal Appointment Order, your Bar Card and your Driver’s License for identification.

To view a non-audio or video exhibit, contact Central Exhibits, (213) 628-7972, ask for the phone number for the Exhibits Clerk at the courthouse where your client’s trial occurred.  Call and make an appointment to view the exhibits.

To copy an exhibit normally viewed in the exhibits room, you will need a court order.  See the attached memo (PDF), (DOC), (WPD) for suggestions and a sample order.

To view audio/video exhibits played in court, email Sylvia (sylvia@lacap.com) to facilitate having the exhibit transferred to the Court of Appeal exhibit viewing room. Alternatively, you could write a letter to the Court of Appeal asking to have the exhibits transferred to their exhibit viewing room. **Please note, this could take up to 30 days as exhibits are only delivered to the Court of Appeal once per month. Once the exhibit has been transferred, you can make an appointment at the Court of Appeal to view the exhibit.

For a copy of an audio/video exhibit, contact Sylvia (Sylvia@lacap.com).

To view exhibits, appointments are required. Please call (805) 706-3600 and ask for the Criminal Exhibits Custodian to make an appointment.  No copies will be made, but photos of exhibits with cellphones is permitted.

To view court files, you must register for and use the “Attorney Portal.” At this time all case files/documents in this court are electronic. 

Adults – Santa Barbara Courthouse: If you just want to view a non-audio or video exhibit, contact Christine Estrada, (805) 882-4731, to make an appointment to view them.  To view a audio/video exhibit, you must bring your own laptop.  The clerk will make copies of paper exhibits upon request.  To get a copy of audio/video exhibit you will need to seek a court order.

Adults – Santa Maria Courthouse: To review exhibits in a case tried in Santa Maria, email the clerk to make an appointment to view them. The clerk’s email address is: northcountyrecords@sbcourts.org.  On the subject line write “Exhibits.”

Your email should include the name of the client, the superior court case number, an explanation that you are appellate counsel and would like to review the exhibits, and the date and time that you are requesting and/or available to review them.  The clerk will then get back to you by email to confirm the date and time when the exhibits may be viewed.  If there are audio/video exhibits, the clerk will arrange for a laptop for reviewing them; you must bring your own earbuds for listening.

If a small number of copies of paper exhibits are requested, the clerk will make copies while you wait.  Copies of lengthy documents or audio/video exhibits will be made by the clerk after the visit and provided to you later.

You must have your appointment order, bar card, and identification with you and present it to the clerk before you will be permitted to review the exhibits.

Juveniles – Santa Maria: To review juvenile exhibits contact the appeals clerk for Santa Barbara County, Patricia Frutos, at the Santa Barbara Superior Court.

Adult:  To view any exhibit, call Exhibits, (805) 289-8671, to make an appointment.  The clerk will then have the exhibits ready for review at the time of the appointment.  The clerks have equipment for reviewing audio/video exhibits.  If you need copies, request them from the clerk.  Court-appointed attorneys should bring the appointment order and identification to obtain a fee waiver.

Juvenile: To review exhibits or the superior court file just walk into the juvenile court clerk’s office with your identification to verify that you are appointed counsel.  Copies may be requested at that time. Remember that the Juvenile Court is on Vineyard in Oxnard, separate from the adult court.